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                Welcome: Dongguan Daryes Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.
                Language: Chinese ∷  English

                About us

                Dongguan Daryes Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. is an enterprise engaged in the research and development, application, production and sales of ultrasonic technology. Product categories are hand-held Ultrasonic spot welder series, ultrasonic shear series, ultrasonic vibration nozzle series, charger pins series, hardware automatic feeding machine series, non-standard custom series products.

                Daryes ultrasonic on the market, by the majority of consumers support and praise. Ultrasonic welding equipment is easy to operate. Environmental protection, energy saving, has become the replacement of traditional welding equipment. Applicable to shoe material, clothing, breeding, automobile, medical treatment, electronics and other industries. And fast welding speed, short curing time, good stability, no need for auxiliary materials, cost savings and other advantages, the user is convenient and fast and so on.

                Guangdong enjoys the future! Thank you for your support, we will continue to provide customers with excellent and thoughtful service, for the research and development of ultrasonic equipment, for the majority of consumers facing energy saving, high efficiency to make a new greater contribution! Daryes Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. will be your intimate partner.

                LATEST NEWS

                CONTACT US

                Contact: Mr. Song

                Phone: 13712345724

                Tel: 13712345724

                Email: csbsong@163.com

                Add: 190 Miaobian Wang Road, Shipai Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

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